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Wednesday 20th March
Four of our men went out this morning to put the finishing touches to the job. I had to make the concrete inside look pretty by sticking mud in any little cracks & holes reminded me of my childhood makeing mud pies & just about as usefull. The Major came along. He did not like the job some of it badley done & to a certain extent he is right. Several nights while we were working the concrete would freese while hung mixed & putting in reinforcements in the dark is no easy matter but even allowing for that some of the work could have been better. This M.G. Post was a half circular construction butting on to an old Hun Pill box. It is about 6' high inside & the same in diameter with walls about 2' thick & roof 4' thick solid concrete. We have had to make most of our own frames out of any thing we could find so that naturally the inside is rough

Thursday 21st On acount of the majors

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