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& have been isolated as I have Scabies just an irritable rash. Have had to a bath well disinfected & rubbed all over with a ointment mostely sulphur. We live & get our meals in the same a hut by our selves & do no parades but can go about as we like. Three men came in today from Loose one of the Military prisons sayed to one of the strictest but none of them seem to complain in fact rather enjoyed it. It seems to be the correct thing in the army to tell all about your crimes in fact rather to glory in them & in many cases a Military crime does not amount to much & plenty of decent fellows get into quod. These chaps have not been allowed to talk & are making up for it now One thing I have noticed with men coming from jail a 3 or 6 months "stretch" they are in the pink of condition The regular meals & exercise does it also no drink & very little tobacco

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