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formed with lumps of clean chalk. As the chalk Is only about 4 from the surface it is easy to get. The Sun is about 50 yds across the base & very accurately layed out. Had a very good tea in Village Ham & Eggs Tea Bread & butter 1/8 yr

Monday 24
Some little insects were found in our Hut this morning They are off the cabbages growing between the huts But it got about that they were lice so we have got a fresh supply of blankets & the hut has been disinfected. Did not change our mattresses so like the army now the Dr has called and he says they are not lice

Tuesday 25
Emptied our mattresses & had them disinfected Rifles issued my No 150324

Wednesday 26
Morning as usual Afternoon Payed returned rifles Medical inspection etc in readyness for leave tomorrow

Current Status: 