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[Page 57]

England was starving After a lot of struggle & strife we got Blankets Ticks & had boards issued also a fair tea Hot stew – at least some sayed it was stew – Had a good fine in our Hut last night as Jones & I pinched a bag of coal Went straight past the army sentry into the Coal yard & took it so he thought we had a right to it

Friday 12th
Showery most of day good thing it was not yesterday. This camp is not as good as Forrant wooden instead of cement paths & a muddie parade ground

Saturday 13th
As usual Went into Warminster quite a town 4 miles away It looked like a place just occupied by Aussie troops scarcely a civilian in sight

Sunday 14
Open air service Explored Warminster fully quite a large place & very uninteresting. Cannot understand what

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