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[Page 44]

feed in a little shop near the camp first since Sunday

Wednesday 29th
Very little doing today Rained most of the time. Received a letter from Leo W from France Went for a walk this evening through rustic lanes & Ye olden Village (Fornak) It is all very pretty – but so old Our camp is the only new looking thing I have seen I wonder people have gone to so much trouble in this country if the last few days are a fair sample of the climate. But things seem to grow well & that is the main thing

Thursday 30th
A fine day so started work in earnest The methods are better than they were at Liverpool must not say too much untill I have seen more of them One thing the man are all keen to do there list. We have heard so much about how hard & smart the training is here that we are all keen to shew what we can do. Then getting new N.C.Os makes (we have all taken our

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