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[Page 80]

the guns from here at times & saw some shell bursts around a Plane this morning & some last night but they were a long way behind us

Tuesday 29th
Left Castre at 9.30 a m & marched to Batilion Head Quarters about 12 or 14 miles – no packs- crossed the Border into Belgium about half way. There has evidently been no fighting about here lately came through one small town that has been complately destroyed Roads we had in places but mostly fairly good. As we were mostely new men we were detailed to the different Companies I went to A Co so had to march back about 2 killos with pack up it was the last straw allthough cannot say I have felt the march greatly today. Got a plentyfull issue of good tea & made a substantial meal Have a Bow hut to sleep in The country is very wet & muddie anywhere of the roads - & often on them Wed 30th The weather is beautiful & quite warm

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