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sleep on had a good night
Saturday 10th
Moved off at 11 AM & reached Villiers Britineu about 1 PM about 8 Killos. It was hot & most of the time we had to keep to the crowded main road with its constant stream of vehicle traffic so there was some dust. I was very tired at one time but livened up towards the end & finished well.
Our Billet has been a very decent 2 storied terrace Not much of the top one left but we have managed to clean up enough floor space in the bottom rooms to sleep on. It is sad to see this place little better than a heap of ruins & most people must have left in a great hurry as so much of there portable belongings are lying about even to clothing. In ther room are 2 large photos in gilt frames unbroken. In the next room a sewing machine & all sorts of odds & ends broken & unbroken

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