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Dates worth noting
2nd May - Landed at Galipoli
19th May - Big Turk attack
20th May - Armistice
Aug 1st - First issue of rum prior to attack
Aug 6 - Charge of Lone Pine, rum finished
Aug 10 - Came out of Lone Pine 122 out of 800
Sep - Leave for Lemnos
Oct 30 - return from Lemnos
Nov 2 - Lost my teeth
9/11/15 - Paid 10/-
10/11/15 – Paid 2/-/-
17/11/15 - Rum issue
25/11/15 – Paid £1
25/11/15 - First fall snow
9/12/15 - had a feed
15/12/15 - heard officially that we are going to evacuate
19/12/15 - Evacuated the Anzac Position
24/12/15 - On board SS Simla for unknown destination
25/12/15 - Second I was in the army on board "SS Simla"
25/12/15 - In harbour at Alexandria
30/12/15 - Arrived at Tel-el-Kebir
31/12/15 - Orderly room big lecture
13/1/16 - Went on leave and played up, went gay, and came home
under escort
17/1/16 - awarded 10fPH2 for same
1/2/16 - Got my teeth in very rough
1/3/16 - Arrived at Serapheum
4/3/16 - Arrived Zeutoun