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hung with ripe Grapes, Fountains Etc. Also in these tows small shrines are often in the front walls. The houses have in a number of cases Surnames probably the names of the occupants.

Friday 8/9
This town is subject to Gas attacks. Has two fair picture shows. I was with the Niddries all yesterday afternoon & spent the evening with them at a Picture Show. The Church at this town has sanitary conveniences in the Angles near the door & others along side.

Saturday 9/9
We left Poperinghe [Poperinge] at about 10.30 A.M. halted for dinner at Vlamertinge. great dissatisfaction the tea being made with brackish water procured from poperinghe the church in this village has been destroyed also every dwelling.
Sunday 10/9
Ypres. Arrived last night. Filthy Billet last occupied by Canadians who were shelled out one shell causing 40 casualties. Started work at 5.30 AM till midday making trenches. The trenches we are making are very elaborate with duck boards revetted sides overhead covers etc. Some of the trenches are parapets only because the water lies so near the surface. We only heard occasional rifle shots throughout the morning a couple of

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