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[Page 35]

to the pyramids and all of them who accompanied the Doctor on a walk around the Pyramid were sent back to their units. Another crowd of Cripples had a football thrown to them & the resulting performances of a number caused them to be sent back. another time they were called up for their pay. Condensed milk was sometimes used by the men but is now too old fashioned deafness is a common complaint & leads to some amusing results. A man being Spoken to quietly about leaving a door open as he left the room apologised & went back to his unit. All the old hands seem to take a fiendish delight in shaking things up all around. There is a fairly good concert going on now. The Prince of Wales is expected to visit this camp soon.

23-4-16 Easter Sunday
Up at 5.0 A.M. as usual and started on Fatigues also as usual. We get up at 5 every morning but don't have breakfast till 9

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