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[Page 24]

board & mounted on the stern while a special Submarine Gaurd was told off with Rifles fixed Bayonets & Ball cartridge. We put all our hospital cases ashore here Mumpies, Veneareals & general, the Z 16 Toronto from Salonika left here this evening. We lost the Southern Cross in the Red Sea. Ever since we left the Red Sea the Weather has been getting cooler it is now quite cold of an evening.

Another change of plans we are to land at 9.0 AM & entrain for Tel-el-Kebir & Bob has already left there for France. What bad luck. I seen the Niggers Trawling for coal today. They run a trawl net across the place where the lighters were coaling the Ship then haul it up, empty it & continue they use a rowing boat with two men one to row the other to haul up the net. Not a bad scheme, but a poor way of earning a living.

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