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[Page 17]

Epidemic of mumps on board over 40 patients. All the 1st Battalion reinforcements quarantined but their mess orderlies draw their Tucker with the others – Military methods.

1.4.16 Saturday
Our We are losing speed daily, it is said that a lot of the steam is used for Condensing water which is becoming scarce on board. It is practically certain that we will be quarantined directly we arrive in Egypt. Two of our men Bugler Wright & Blanchard have developed fits since the last Inoculation. Wright has about a dozen fits a day & Blanchard nearly as many. they are almost certain to be sent back. The Hospitals are crowded now. Was having a yarn with a Coo-ee today a housebreaker. I put in about 2 hours listening to the adventures of one Paddy Larkin it was about the best 2 hours I have put in on this trip
Macs. Letter

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