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until about 8.00 AM after one of the worst days I have ever experienced in my life. An awfull time. The 11th landed here today yesterday.

16th Tuesday 16
We had a hot time today removing into new quarters thermometer about 118 red hot run off our legs. Have just been notified that I must attend the Bombing School at 5.0 AM tomorrow.

Wednesday 17th -5-16
Was advised that I had been accepted for the pioneers & to present myself at their orderly room. I did so but not liking the look of things cleared out before I was interviewed. I had to miss a lecture to do so I seen Bernie this morning he has a parcel for me a small book I believe.

Friday 19-5-16 (letter to Mac)
After attending the Grenade School for a couple of days was pulled out yesterday after noon & informed that I would

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