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We have had a new Doctor the last Two days he sent away about 50 men in the two days & said the Battalion was'nt fit for active service.

Saturday 9-12-16
On Dug-outs & Barbed wire. Looks as if Somme offensive has finished. Very wet & Cold.

Sunday 10-12-16
Fritz caught us on the Duck Boards going out Killed Kulmer & wounded Scotty Crichton. Very cold. Poor Kulmer, Brains were scattered. Some sticking on the other fellows Helmets.

Monday 11-12-16
I took Kulmers Helmet its than mine & he won't need it again. On Barbed wire to-day. Hands & clothes suffered.

Heavy Snow. Using the W.C. here is most unpleasant it consists only of a Tram rail laid across sand Bags & with a stiff Breeze & snow or rain its rather cool.

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