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[Page 39]

made it must have been a nasty shock to the alleged corpse.

28-4-16 Friday
Received more letters from Mac & one from Ruby Jones. When the Australians made prisoners on the peninsular the Ghurka's used to ask for them if the request was granted it was the end of the prisoner. there is no doubt that the Turks were brave they used to come right up to the parapet of the trenches in the night & sometimes peer over. They were very good at constructing entanglements by night it was no use sending flares up because the tiny glow of the fuse used to betray them & they took cover before it burst. Our Boys used to burrow to a possy halfway between the trenches & then break through overhead & wait there every night with Bombs in anticipation of an attack they would'nt waste bombs on small parties

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