Item 02: Charles Hargreaves diary, 6 February 1916-23 March 1918 - Page 76

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[Page 76]

for a great push against Bapaume as soon as we have a spell of dry weather.

I am sleeping in a canvas hut – some of the men are living in an old German Dugouts on the door of one of which is still hanging the sign "Gott strafe England"

Nov 8/16
Have been taking rations up each day to the dump at Longueval & Montauban – a good deal of shell fire at the cross Roads near the Dump. Roads blocked with traffic & in bad condition

Yesterday left at 8 a.m. & got back at 5 p.m. on the road all the time. 9 hours doing about 6 miles. Owing to them shelling

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