Item 01: T. J. Cleary diary, 8 March 1916 - 15 August 1917 - Page 51

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the Nids today & was lucky enough to catch my correspondence 4 letters 3 from Mac & one from Lilly. Lill has got her M.A. degree. The tucker at this end can't be compared with what we used to get with the 5th.

Letters to Mac & Lilly 27th

Sunday 28th-5-16
We left Tel-el-Kebir at 8.30 P.M. Yesterday some Infantry (17th & others) & A.M.C. men came with us. After a rough trip we arrived here (Alexandria) at about 3.00 AM & embarked on the "Corsican" We have A.M..C. – A.S.C. Field Artillery & Pioneers on board. The Tucker promises to be pretty good. The trip last night was a rough experience for a good many judging by the remarks "Keep your feet out of my stomach" youre hurting me etc. There was from 30 to 36 in each truck naturally they were tied up in true lovers knots – it was very cold too. Wonderful to relate I slept through most of it. I shall have to try & get some of my photos away if I can.

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