Item 01: T. J. Cleary diary, 8 March 1916 - 15 August 1917 - Page 46

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[Page 46]

About 12-5-16
On Quarter gaurd tonight. Was told that we were likely to go away very soon. Sentries over the Clink have had to have their Rifles loaded while on Sentry go. I suppose this is because of that Bayonet episode. it is rumoured that one prisoner was shot last night [passage deleted]
13-5-16 Saturday
One prisoner escaped last night now every prisoner has to have an escort of 3 gaurds, also we have to escort them up for court Martial, that means 1½ hours. The chap who let the prisoner escape was put in clink himself the Sergeant was put under arrest too! This morning we had trouble with the prisoners caused by the Reg. S.M. as a result I very nearly got put in with them that wouldn't hurt much I would sooner be there than on the gaurd.

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