Item 01: T. J. Cleary diary, 8 March 1916 - 15 August 1917 - Page 111

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[Page 111]

Wednesday 20-12-16
Wood fatigue today. Watery blink of Sunshine. Snow & freezing hard. We have made arrangements for a case of whiskey. I am wondering how it will work. Fritz took advantage of the fine day to Shell the camp with heavy stuff. I seen him send 3 Huts up in the air. There must have been a number of casualties.

Thursday 21-12-16
We got a case of Whiskey this night & for the first time (I hope) in my life I got Drunk very Drunk. I went down as quickly as if I was pole axed & made a very sorry exhibition of myself.

Friday 22-12-16
Very sick today. Seen the Dr did'nt work at all. Felt Horrible.

Saturday 23-12-16
Heard today that Bob has been killed on the 2-11-16. The coming Xmas promised dismal enough with out this to make it worse. He is Buried in Bernafay wood Cemetary & alongside of him lies L.C. Wailes Engs. late of Burwood. Sub… a mistake.

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