Item 01: T. J. Cleary diary, 8 March 1916 - 15 August 1917 - Page 122

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[Page 122]

24-2-17 Saturday
The prisoners were loafing on Thursday last & were punished being forced to work ½ an hour overtime which they did with a very bad grace. The Niggers are talking of striking they reckon they were engaged as wharf laborers & don't relish their present job. They are very severe on the Wood & Coal & fearfull cadgers, if you give them anything it is impossible to get rid of them. They get 2/- per day.

Sunday 25-2-17
The Germans have retreated (it is believed) 13 miles. Our men have not got in touch with them yet. Our fellows are busy ratting his abandoned Trenches for Souvenirs. We had a special order for Artillery Bridges so that our men can follow up some say they have been gone for two days. Our Aviators are scouting for all they are worth to try and locate their new line.

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