Item 01: T. J. Cleary diary, 8 March 1916 - 15 August 1917 - Page 123

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[Page 123]

Tuesday 27-2-17
About half of our platoon have been sent back to the Battalion 25 Remain. The extent of the German retreat has been greatly exaggerated. We can hear his heavy shells exploding. He seems to be putting up a bit of a Barrage with Big Guns. He has also left plenty of snipers behind. They are causing some casualties. They get a bad time when caught. A recent order asks men returning from the front line to bring salvage back no matter how little it is. There has been a large number of accidents on No 2 Saw bench. There was two today.

Thursday 1-3-17
Elson went away today sick. The niggers went away yesterday the S.A. Govt. that they were too close to the line. I seen one of our Baloons brought down in flames this evening & our archies shelling the plane that did it. Fritz is sniping on his retreat. There is great confusion in the line some of our own units charging each other

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