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Monday March 13th recommended gathering weather quite fine until past noon when clouded over very sultry at 4 P.M. thunder storm succeeded by rain more or less heavy until late in the night -
Verdielho a little injured by rain - put to commence fermenting in open pipes & puncheons
No 1 about 90 gals 1108 - added at once 5 gals making 1138o. M Brandy (1846) commenced working almost immediately & continued gently all the rest of the day & all the 14th - worked up during night with thick & rough but not rocky head
March 15th worked strongly all day at 5 P.M. temp 88o
March 16th subsiding, head absorbed tem. 88o at 4 P.M. racked off into small pipe to make room for garden sequas - & numbered M. No 2 fermenting briskly at bung -
March 17th working briskly at bung
March 20th working greatly Sp grav 1001½ : 72
Added to No 7 { No 2 " 80 1107 " 4 gals new B 14 C.P. }
{ " 3 " 80 1107 4 " Do Do }
Added to No 8 { 4 " 80 1106 5 New B
except about { 5 Pipe 95 1106 partly sucrets 5 New B
15 gals of No 5
March 14th added remainder of No 5 to large cask with both heads in
6 " 95 1103 Do 6 New B
March 14th added this cask to large cask put to work with both heads in -