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upon the most moderate terms, in order to gain custom. When the colony has arrived to such a pitch, then Government may relinquish it.  For I do not approve of Government being merchants, nor yet manufacturers, but yet in such a place as the present, the same will want leading by the hand like a child, until it can go.

I would not put any restraint upon any thing brought to the colony, except those that were not fit to be used as food or beverage.  This might be the means of preventing such bad articles has [as] have frequently been brought, to be discontinued.  On the other hand, for every master of a ship or supercargo, to dispose of their merchandise if the public cant purchase it.  In disposing of the articles of Government (when requisite) I would totally abolish the present method, (otherwise the intentions would not have the desired effect) which is not only so tedious and dilatory, but partial. And the goods that I have chiefly seen, are of a bad quality.  They appear to be gleanings of warehouses, and such as had past the first market.  It does not seem likely, that any large purchases would be made from Government by way of forestalling, as this would be too hazardous a speculation.

It fully appears that government have took pains to send out some artists, but seemingly some of these were incapable of performing their duty, and this is an 

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