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10th March 6 A.M. Fermentation commenced at 11 A.M. began to be violent. At noon put on trap held down by two heavy stones the vat containing from 1350 to 1400 gall. Put in copper tube with canvas hose - the end of which is placed in tub of water - continued to work strongly all the aftn. Less violent at night, added about 10 P.M. - LS. 775 -
March 11th 7 A.M. Working moderately added one cask LS 345 - at 7 P.M. working gently sweetness not perceptible added another cask of 56/2 and LS. 130
March 12th 7 A.M. working gently sweetness not perceptible filled vat quite full with about 30 to 40 gals 56/2 - in evening added LS. 130
March 13th Fermenting very gently - & so on until
March 14th when it was quite still & without any perceptible sweetness - then racked off as per page opposite
March 21st Very promising, only has been too still in cask and as it clines rapidly appears to be a little sweetish - hope this will go off in a week ot two.