Volume 07 Item 03: John Macarthur day book, November 1818-March 1820: No. 047
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March 1819
19th John Lee __1/4ls Tobacco Halton 1/4
19th Davis ______1/4 __[ditto]
Hawkins ___1/4 __[ditto]
Badham ___1/4 __[ditto]
Warner ___1/4 __[ditto]
Cartwright ___1/4 __[ditto]
W Lucas to Cash in payt of Jones & Riley's Bill £25.0.0
Jones & Riley to [ditto] on account _ _ _ _ _ 35.0.0
Richards [ditto] for 5 Gallons Brandy @ 27/- 6.15.0
Denning on acct Sundries ___ ____ 2.0.0
Boatmin King [?] [?] Sidmouth _______ 1.10.0
Recd from Jones & Riley 2 Chests H Slim Tea @ £ 12.0.0
23rd Sent to Sydney £24.0.0 for [?] Shipley's [?]
to W. Oxley 10.2.0 of Hay
at £12. W [?] £9.18.0
Recd from K Cooper 3 Bags of Sugar
W.W. [?] kilo @25ls W 8.
27th Mary England Cash(Washing) ______ 0.16.0
" Fancoat in W. payment __________ 10.0.0
Killed a Heifer Wt 481@5 W. ll
for H.M.S £ 10.0.5