
Supposed annual average produce about 600 galls. imp. @2/6 £75: 0: 0
Annual expenses about 10: 0: 0
  65: 0: 0

For each year the wine is kept add 15 per cent for interest, expenses of Allan & Coy's by evaporation. At this rate the above produce should be worth about £22 per 100 Imp. Gall in its 5th year, cask not included.

Memo. No land of this description having yet been cultivated the extend of its produce and its value must be conjectural - as to a certain extent on the estimated expenses. The Germans persist that in asserting that the soil which has been carefully examined to a great depth very greatly resembles that of some of their best Rhine Vineyards, particularly Johannisberger.

Current Status: 
Ready for review