

The Cooktown District climanyms[?], from the lower to the higher grades, are waral, Kabir, ngando, and Kamba Kamba for the females, with diran, yerka, bama and dirainggur for the males. 

Those for the Princess[?] Charlotte Bay District have already been detailed when dealing with the local initiation ceremonies *19. 

Amongst the Kundara, with whom, as I have already mentioned the Koko-muini[?] of the Middle Palmer District come into contact, the following are the titular names applied to the males: - 

bama-ngaman is a boy at early puberty; he attends his first initiation ceremony or yindarang.

yelvigvig after full puberty with a little moustache; he attends the second ceremony or yiral. 

pita-mak is after he develops a full beard and moustache, and having undergone the ceremonies, is now allowed to marry. 

moKanan as age progresses, and mo-ekwallim when very old, and the cicatrices fade. 

In the Pennefather River District the following are applied: Dai-ingata is a boy at early puberty when he first attends the initiation dances (prumo), pungandrichi at late puberty when the tooth avulsion takes place, trallakuto with a beard and moustache; watapu a very old man. Ji-opadi is a girl at early puberty; morgatana at late puberty; dro-anana after bearing her first child; and dó-apruto after the child-bearing age. 

*19 Roth - Bulletin 12 sect[end of page]


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