

I was fortunate enough to meet with. In the following list Mr. Flowers has given me a translation of the different group-names; the suffix -burra denotes of, or belonging to. The reference numbers are marked on the Sketch-map in circles.  

Ku-in-murr-burra Tribe (ku-in-murr = a plain)

  1. Katu-burra [-] end. finish
  2. Wandu-burra [-] mountain
  3. Wollo-in-burra [-] iguana tail
  4. Warru-burra [-] "damper" of [z]ania nut
  5. mu-in-burra [-] ashes
  6. pankan-burra [-] gap in a range
  7. riste-burra [-] sand-fly

Ningebal Tribe

8. war-gain-burra [-] clean sand

9. randu-burra [-] Townshend Island

10. tarru-burra [-] fig that is fly-blown

11. Kuki-burra [-] green-headed ant

12. bu-cha-burra [-]  Banksia  tree.  

Tarumbal Tribe

13. warra-burra [-] wild guava

14. Konku-burra [-] sickness, retching

15. burri-burra [-] flame caused by fat when cooking

16. Woppa-burra [-] island

Warrabal Tribe

17. Karun-burra [-] flesh

18. bi-chal-burra [-] small grub

19. bi-pu-burra [-] big river

20. wolle-a--burra [-]  

Tarrambarra Tribe

21. banbara-burra [-] open country

The following are some of the Rockhampton District native names collected during my itinerary, exclusive of those which are embodied in the text: -  

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