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[Page 4]

Commenced being settled down a few feet behind the first firing line all were anxiously awaiting the bombardment of our great artillery every minute seemed an hour while on every side jokes were cracked others could not rest laughing and al was pleasure shells from the enemy was buzzing over our heads travelling back to our communications and a occasionly on our positions some dealing one death wounds others trusting harmlessly on vacant soil on our right the 3rd brigade covering a frontag of about 1200 yds our brigade the 1st being in the centre on our left were part of a division of English Territorials the enemy in front did not suspect a great attack for when they sumrised and such doings keeps the darkest night Brilliant with their numerous Flares at this particular time an occasionly shoot upwards on speck
Suddenly there comes hell at on Earth comes the terrible roar of the guns from the greatest Artilly Darkly ever known shells in hundereds are falling every minute from the 12 inch down to the 9 pounder) this took place on our Right first the Germans were taken by surprise and more beautifull sights could be      no 5 over

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