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But we suffered very slight casualities has these Germans generally use their long ranger guns at chance shots were there are any likely movements of troops arriving at communication we were at times forced over exposed buried bodies of English and Germans while a scattered along the Parket here an there were dozens of lifeless heroes who had received their final blow in clearing the way for others to pass while here and there score upon scores in places were the trench had been levelled to the ground scores upon scores were stretched out while charging close by were the bodies of seven germans and two kharkie Tommys who before they died evidently settled the other 7 germans scenes like these were very numerous and this had happened about a week previous an in some cases a burial was impossible while heavy fighting was in progress you can imagine the order an some of the boys had to content them selfs and terrible sights and later eating and sleeping among partly exposed bodies but such is war an one cannot realize these happenings actural engaged on arriving we took up position in the main supports trench while others battalions had the front firing lines while in these supports