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DIRECTIONS - continued.
It may be useful to remark that Personal Property left WITHOUT A WILL is divisable under.
If the Deceased leave children and no Widow, the whole Property is to be divided equally amongst the Children.
If he leave a Widow and Child or Children, the former is entitled to one-third,+ and the latter to the remaining two-thirds.
If he leave a Widow and no Child, the former is entitled to half, and the next of Kin to the remainder, as under:-
A Father, the whole amount. If no Father, a Mother, Brothers and Sisters, or their issue, equal portions.
If none, Uncles, Aunts, Nephews, Nieces, equal portions, &o.
Payable on Legacies, Successions, Annuities and Residues, of the amount of $20 and upwards. No duty under that amount.
Husband or Wife of Deceased, no duty.
Children of Deceased and their Descendants, or Father or Mother, or any lineal Ancestor of Deceased $1 per cent.
Brother or Sister of Deceased, or their Descendants, $3 per cent.
Brother or Sister of the Father or Mother of Deceased, and their Descendants, $5 per cent.
Brother or Sister of Grandfather or Grandmother of Deceased, and their Descendants, $6 per cent.
To any other degree of relationship, or any stranger in Blood to Deceased, $10 per cent.
(a) FORMS OF WILL, published at 6d. each.
1. Devise of Property to one or more persons absolutely.
2. Devise of Property to Executors in trust, to be sold, and to pay proceeds to any number of persons.
3. Devise of Property to Executors in trust, to be sold, and to pay proceeds to Testator's children with provision for maintenance during minority of Children, and with clauses for appointment of other trustees.
4. Devise of Property to Wife for life, and after her death to Children absolutely.
5. Devise of Property to Wife absolutely.
6. Devise of Property for a Married Woman to bequeath her separate Estate, independently of her Husband.
7. Devise of Property in trust for Testator's children, and the portions of Daughters settled for their separate use.
8. Special Legacies and Bequests.
9. Seamans' forms of Wills.
(In ordering any of the foregoing, the No. 1, 2, 3, or otherwise ought to be specified.)
(b) These must be parties not interested in the Will, or their claim to such interest becomes forfeited.
(c) In all cases where a name is given, it is essential to describe fully and clearly the Christian name, the Surname, residence, and trade of profession.
(d) The Residue becomes the property of the next of Kin, unless otherwise provided for.
These rules do not apply to Real Estates.
+ There are a few local and trifling departures from this rule,
From "Letts's Monthly Post Office Director," published every Month. See Advertisements.
LETTERS,- The rates of Postage throughout the Kingdom, are:- Not exceeding 1/2 oz.; 1d.; 1oz., 2d.; 2oz., 4d.; 3oz.; 6d.; and 2d. additional for every oz.; or fraction of same, and double such amounts if not pre-paid.
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NEWSPAPERS, Stamped, must be made up in covers open at the sides, have the stamp exposed to view, and be posted within fifteen days of publications ; have no marks or writing, other than the address, which may be written on the paper as well as cover, thereon, or they will be charged 2d. extra. They are forwarded from one part of the Kingdom to another free, except those delivered within three miles of the place where posted, which are charged 1d. Unstamped Newspapers are treated as books, and for places abroad must be registered for circulation at the G.P.O., and paid for when posted.
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Book parcels to foreign countries (mot being our own Colonies) may not have writing in or upon them beyond the address; and for countries through France, may not include any detached mounting, &c., as detailed.