
~~~ Feb 1 TUESDAY[ 32-333] ~~~
Morning Visited Mr & Mrs Thos Perry - rather better
Mrs Scott - Blecke & Mr & Mrs Allison or Alliston at the Inn at Cambden Saw little Fidsler
took tea at Kirkham Called at Wivenhoe & home
~~~ 2 WEDNESDAY [33-332] ~~~
Purification V M Candlemas

Went to the Church was going to Vermont & could not cross the Creed -
Rev Mr Tangcromb called - saw him at the School
1859 2d Month ~~~ 3 THURSDAY [34-331] ~~~ February [3 to 6]
Morning gardening Afternoon Kirkham & home
~~~ 4 FRIDAY [35-330] ~~~
Thos Chalker died this morning
Morning at home
Afternoon Went to visit Mr Alliston
Buried the remains of Ths Chalker
~~~ 5 SATURDAY [36-329]
Morning at home - day hot
Evening went to see Mr Chalker
~~~ 6 SUNDAY 5 aft Epiph [37-328] ~~~
St Pauls Church
Vermont Serv & Funeral for Mr Tebby Northland


Current Status: 
Ready for review