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That arrived lately, They had very well apointed Investments for General use - not a drop of Spirits, but a quantity of Porter. These articles equable to my instructions were divided among all Classes, every one got their share, at 61 PCent [indecipherable] the prime cost in England. Which has created such a confidence among those who have formerly been so much oppressed, that I do not doubt, they will see the advantage of [rousing?] their Industry, afresh to enable them to profit by these fair and Equitable distributions; as this is a time of crisis between violent oppression; & common justice, I hope & trust the latter will ultimately prevail. Still I have many [indecipherable] opponents to get the better of
Paterson with his party returned here after a six weeks absence, As he will give you his ideas of the place I shall say nothing on that head, but from his letters to me I made the miner I had at work here leave off, & [he has?] established a small post at the River, It is a great misfortune that the Entrance to this River is so very bad, & such little depth of water, however with all its failings I have no doubt of its turning out a great acquisition for many purposes, exclusive of the Coals, of which I have sent you a small sample. - When the Miner