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informed, that he had [indecipherable] at N.E, for [indecipherable] SW, which must greatly facilitate a Ships passage either to the Cape or India, until she gets within the Trades. In the Winter, the passage to the Westward is not so certain; from the prevalency of Westerly Winds at that Season, which throws a very great sea into the Straights. I do not pronounce the passage through the Straits impossible at that Season, It may be performed with some perseverance & hard labour, & would may be more easily accomplished, now that we are certain Western Port is a good harbour, in case of a vessell being taken with a westerly wind, before she gets through, exclusive of which, there is every probability that the Island which the Discoverer has done me the honour, to name after me, will be found to afford some if not good shelter.

You will also be informed by my former letters that - Gov. Hunter took sent the Reliance home s took the Buffalo with him consequently no vessell remained here until the Porpoises arrival in Nov., and the Lady Nelson in December last; much work was cut out for the Porpoise  in conveying the

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