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to me, he has writen a letter to Lord Mornington recommending me to his Lordships' notice in the strongest terms, he has also represented to his Lordship, the risk of my health & life, particularly amonghts the ferocious Mallays, and requested that his Lordship would be pleased to raise my Salary; his Lordship very kindly desired the Doctor to write a letter to the Council - he has writen a private letter, but his Lordship returned it, and desired him to write a public letter; this the Doctor was to do, the day I left Calcutta, the Doctor ensured me success.-
The Bengal Government apply'd to me to know what was best to be done with the Spice plants, I gave my opinion as follows viz.
My zeal for the success of these plants, my knowledge from experience of the Soil & Climate of Prince Wales Island and that of the Moluccas, which are nearly similar, the great variety of Plants which