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other valuable plants.

     I have never missed an opportunity of Sending you plants (for Kew) by every Ship that Sailed from these Islands for England, but I fear much that the miscarriage must have been great, in consequence of a long Voyage, detention at the Cape, & St. Hellina [Helena] for Convoys, and in particular as there was no person of practical knowledge on board to take care of them.

   On the Taunton Castle Captain Studd, who Sailed from Amboyna on the 23rd of Augus [August] 97, I had he honor to send you two Birds of Paradise, one Bottle of the oil of Melaleuca Leucadendron, and a Chest full of Specimens, some of which I hope will prove to be new.

     In April 98 I resolved to quit the Moluccas, particularly as there was a large ship about to return to the Coast, which gave me an opportunity of taking a large collection under my own care. -  


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