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Clarence River Heads North side, (near a quarry) "Eerie-bunning". Place
where bats flit about at night.
Town of Maclean "Ee-why-ah-arrilay." Many white Cockatoos.
Lawrence or the Elbow. "Ill-boo-yah". "Illboo" means a cough but
the connection between a cough and a place name is unexplained.
Lismore "Dig-ah-rym-bah". "Digary" means sour and here again
Freeburn failed to explain any connections between "sour" and Lismore.
Tatham- "Char-gum-bah." Tatham is a village down river from Casino
and the native name probably means "place of children" chargum,
or "Charchum", meaning a child in the Casino-Lismore dialect.
Dyraaba, Cattle station 15m from Casino. "Tug-why-bin." The meaning
is not clear though "Tug-why-ah" means a messnger.
Wooroowoolgen, Cattle station near Casino. "Doom-gun." This wind
means "a wave", so called, perhaps, because of the wave like
appearance of some of the adjacent country.
Years ago the Casino blacks denied that th original
names of these two stations belonged to their dialect.
One man thought that Wooroowoolgen might be a corruption
of "Wooroocooloom" a magpie. I think Freeburn got
the last four names (including those for Lismore and Tatham)
from his wife a native of Casino Lismore tribe.
Both Cattle stations are on south side of the rivers.
"Beer-rin-bah" - general name of the Clarence river; Freeburn
could give no meaning for this word.