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Neil – only 5 days on the Peninsula and severely wounded – now he comes back from Australia again and almost immediately is laid low with para typhoid. Mary tells me he is round the corner now but he has had a bad time. Strictly entre nous I am afraid his marriage is rather a tragedy. I suspected so all along and my suspicions received a large amount of confirmation in London. I've been quite busy in one way – there have been a whole crowd of fires round here lately – somehow or other the native shops will get on fire and strangely enough there seem to be a whole crowd of our men ready to make a raid as soon as the fire starts then immediately may be seen, soldiers running in all directions loaded with tins of milk, jam fish cigarettes, chocolates, any old thing the canteen contains. The next thing that happens is that for the Arab to make a claim upon the Military authorities for damages and he goes to the interpreter. I