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Novem:r 1766.
Till 6, before we could get * product, which hindered our going up to the Town that Evening: on the top of a Hill on our Larboard hand appears the Palace, which on account of the Earthquakes this Place is liable to, is only one Story [storey] high; it makes a very singular appearance, being extended into an immensely long front, is not unlike Barracks in England.
I have now been here long enough, to make some Judgement of the Country about Lisbon; it is composed of a number of small Hills, covered to the top with very good Soil, in which Corn & Vines grow in great abundance, but chiefly the former; the Divisions are either Stone Walls, of Aloe Hedges, encompassing large spaces; every here & there a row of Olive Trees is planted along the Fence, which are the only Trees
* Pratica. Or Liberty of going ashore, after being inspected in the usual manner, by the Officers of Health. Called by the Sailors Product.