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[Page 15]

[adoratisina?] or west coast creeper, if so it is in England & Mr [Kerr?] will remember it

p.515 of the Kiu-hoa we have only one variety with Dark brown flowers the other varieties are likely to be valuable as it succeeds in the open air.
Remarks on the Memoires sur les chinois  Vol III

p.443  [Tsicou?]-hai-Tang is unknown to us and of course very desirable

p.451  Lien-Kien or Ski-Teou Grows at Canton as well as at Pekin & is very desirable for our Gardens & possibly if it succeeds may become an usefull addition to our small stock of water plants

p.484. The Oaks of China especially those which shed their leaves & will of course grow in this Climate are certainly an object of importance as indeed are all [Timber?] trees from the Northern Provinces, if the oak there Produces large prickly acorn cups could bear our climate the use of these [indecipherable] in dying black & of course in Tanning  renders these an object of first rate consequence there are also three kinds of ash in China which are equally desirable for experiment in England. Vol 2. p,583. 598

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