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& grows tolerably well in the open air, if the insect that feeds on it could be sent home we have a chance of being able to grow the Chinese Pela yet, either here or in some of our Colonies, if Malta should remain with us, it is a Culture very likely to suit that Island
p 450 the Nan- mou is the Cedar of China which we very much want to see. it is probably included in the chinese List of Sir Geo Staunton
p 455 the Lo-Ya-Song or Chinese Fir [note added] probably a kind of Larch, is a desirable Plant if the Cones can be procurd fresh they will probably arrive in order for vegetation
p 459 Tse-Song-Yuen-Pe is a tree probably of the Juniperous Tribe & is a very desirable Object for our Gardens
p.500 the Molien the La-Moe & the Tcha-Hoe appear to be an unknown in our Gardens
p.503 The Hai-tang is also an unknown & seems likely to form a valuable addition to our Gardens
p.511 the Ye-Hiang-Hoa seems likely to be the Pergularia