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South point of the Island of Chiloe, which is in about 44 South Latitude: and he should direct his Attention to ascertaining what is the Most Southward Spanish Settlement on that Coast, and what Harbours there are South of any such Settlement.

     In the execution of every part of this Service, it is very material that the commanding Officer should be instructed to use every possible care to avoid Disputes with the Natives of any of the Parts where he may touch, and that he should be particularly attentive to endeavor, by Presents and by all other means, to conciliate their friendship and confidence.

     I herewith enclose to Your Lordships Lists of such Articles as have been procured for the purpose of Presents.  These will be delivered into the Care of the Commanding Officer, to be disposed of by him according to the regulations which have been observed in similar Cases.

     I am Sir



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