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which now happily subsists between His Majesty and all other Powers.

     The whole of the Survey abovementioned, if, carried on with a view to the Objects here stated, without too minute and particular an examination of the detail of the different parts of the Coast laid down by it, may, as I understand, probably be completed in two Summers.  In the intermediate Winter, the Ships are to be directed to return to the Sandwich Islands, and, during their continuance there, to endeavor to complete any part that may be unfinished of their examination of those Islands.

     After the conclusion of the Survey in the second Summer, the commanding Officer should be directed, supposing the State and Circumstances of his Ships should admit of it, to return by Cape Horn, for which the Season will then probably be favorable.

     It seems doubtful how far the time may admit of his making any particular examination of the Western Coast of South America.  But if this should be practicable, he should begin such examination from the


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