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<p>a4701793.html</p><p>5./&nbsp; able to let the Bristolian know something about our wonderful country, it&#39;s resources &amp; prospects.&nbsp; I have refrained from boasting about it to these down-trodden folk in decadent England, as I think such boasting the reverse of etiquette, especially while the recipient of their kindness &amp; trust. . .&nbsp;&nbsp; Yes, Rosie, writes a grand breezy letter &amp; I&#39;m pleased that you found something to interest you in the one she sent me.&nbsp; Her latest (of Feby. 11<sup>th</sup>.) tells me that old &quot;Blighty&quot; is @ last to be &quot;rationed&quot; - rich &amp; poor alike (?perhaps) - on Feb. 25<sup>th</sup>., so they think there ought to be little further trouble as regards equal distribution.&nbsp; It&#39;ll certainly do away with the heart-breaking Queues. . .&nbsp; Mr. W. S<sup>nr</sup><sup>.</sup> was @ that time doing pretty well in Hosp., &amp; there was no sign of his home-coming. . .&nbsp; There&#39;s apparently some doubt about bro. Tom being sent home to convalesce from his recent Salonica wounds.&nbsp; Guess he has more than earned the spell, but being just one of England&#39;s millions of commoners, it wouldn&#39;t do to go to so much trouble, of course if he was blue-blooded, or of the elite, there&#39;d be &quot;Mauretanias&quot; &amp; &quot;Aquitanias&quot; @ his disposal.&nbsp; Good old England!&nbsp; - but not for mine!&nbsp; Rose was pleased with Elsie&#39;s effort in the literary art &amp; especially for the snapshot.&nbsp; Thinks the World of it &amp; guesses that the &quot;Aussie&quot; girls are &quot;some&quot;. . .&nbsp; Thanks awfully for your words of wisdom re rushing into the &quot;Benedictine&quot; life - &amp; all that sort-o&#39;-thing.&nbsp; My idea was always as yours.&nbsp; It&#39;s also good of you to add that my friend must be respectable or I would not continue writing.&nbsp; Well I am hoping so, but as I&#39;ve only known the &quot;missy&quot; actually so few hours, I cannot tell by correspondence, tho. I know that she is not a &quot;blue-blood&quot; or one of the hereditary-rich, but thro. limited pre-war environment &amp; social-ity she is somewhat ignorant, &amp; of course not of &quot;polished&quot; education.&nbsp; Still, it&#39;s not the rich &amp; the college-graduates who are the most genuine friends - you know that.</p><p>Ha! ha!!&nbsp; You can bet that I&#39;d take the risk of &quot;going down&quot; with mal-de-mer if the homeward sea journey was &quot;on tap&quot;.&nbsp; Yes, the trip across the &quot;Gutter&quot; was &quot;some&quot; severe &amp; I came out of the &quot;coal-box&quot; (as such as the S/S. &quot;Viper&quot;.) very &quot;groggy&quot;.&nbsp; Still, I would not care to return till this job is over, tho. the life is worse than a &quot;hobo&#39;s&quot; &amp; causes almost real tears @ times.&nbsp; To come home with the boys would do me &amp; I don&#39;t want to be able to &quot;flash&quot; lots of gold-bars for wounds, or other military distinctions.&nbsp; It&#39;s God&#39;s will whatever is to be, &amp; I am reconciled that way. . .&nbsp; What I would like is a rise of pay thro. the [ag-?] of a couple of stripes - a &quot;full&quot; corporal, f&#39;instance.&nbsp; The reason is only because of the extra pay (10/- per day) so that it could</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>PTO &rarr; [in bottom left hand margin]</p>

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