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<p>a4701783.html</p><p>6/&nbsp; great deal of bad feeling &amp; imposition - the latter by fellows who have just joined up - &amp; @ the same time make some of us look like a variegated Zebra.&nbsp; The early &quot;Anzacs&quot; (originals &amp; reinforcements who left &quot;Aussie&quot; during 1914) will wear one red &amp; 3 blue chevrons, &amp; I suppose they&#39;ll still retain their big &quot;A&quot; over the Regimental color-patch, also the gold bar or bars, denoting wounds.&nbsp; The red chevron is for those who came away in 1914 only &amp; for every year one blue is issued in addition.&nbsp; Thus I&#39;ll be entitled (if I read the order correctly) to 3 blues - one for each 1915-16-&amp; 17.&nbsp; Anyhow the idea is a good one &amp; a great deal of satisfaction ought to result, especially as the chevrons will only be issued after enquiries from the Records Office, &amp; from Pay-Book, which latter can be demanded for scrutiny by the &quot;Ducks &amp; Geese&quot; (Police) @ any time so that it will be hardly worth while any one running the risk of arrest.&nbsp; There has been no issue to us yet but particulars have been taken so we&#39;ll know @ any time now.</p><p>Guess you&#39;ll be having some real summer weather now down in &quot;Aussie&quot; &amp; that the Harbour &amp; surf will be favorites for all Sydney-ites, anyhow I hope you&#39;ll all have a happy time.&nbsp; Make the best of these bad days of strife &amp; turmoil.</p><p>Well, my Dear Parents &amp; Sisters, I hope you&#39;ll XQQ this funny old letter, but the best I am able to turn out from this Region of Bother.&nbsp; Let me trust that it finds you all still in best of health &amp; spirit, with prosperity &amp; happiness.&nbsp; God be with you &amp; bless you, is the hope of your Loving Son &amp; Brother&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Harrie XXX</p>

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