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<p>a4701787.html</p><p>4/&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; followed by the fallen &amp; battered trees with those which have escaped, in the background.&nbsp; Several villages, which have figured prominently from time to time, are seen razed to the ground amidst the awful scene hereabouts - they are now only known on the maps or by the heaps of brickwork &amp; bare walls.</p><p>Down in the flat, round about the Lake, the grass is beginning to show up - another sign of approaching Spring.</p><p>Hope to be able to go to &quot;Blighty&quot; on leave in a month or two, if the 6 month&#39;s &quot;stint&quot; comes off.&nbsp; It&#39;s rather early yet to decide what destination to make for, but I have been thinking that Manchester, Liverpool, Belfast, or the Isle of Man ought to be very interesting.&nbsp; I will certainly &quot;imshee&quot; out of the &quot;Big Smoke&quot; after obtaining a &quot;brush up&quot; &amp; new rig out from Horseferry Road, as is &#39;pas-bon&#39; for &quot;Aussies&quot;.&nbsp; Of course, I&#39;ll run out &amp; have a look @ Aunt Annie &amp; the Woollcotts B4 going Nor&#39; west as they are not very far from the &quot;Hub&quot;.&nbsp; Rose is looking after a Tunic I posted to her from Westminster so I&#39;m in her debt.&nbsp; Their latest advices say that Aunt is not Keeping up too brilliant - &amp; it&#39;s no wonder.&nbsp; Mr. Woollcott Snr. is still very ill in Hosp., tho. so far made a remarkable recovery.&nbsp; Tom was expected to be sent back home from Salonica after his recent wounding, so he may be there when I call (God willing of course).</p><p>Believe the food question in Angleterre is pretty acute, especially for those who are not blessed with lots of this World&#39;s goods but Rose was telling me that Rationing was to commence last month, which</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>PTO</p><p>to</p><p>2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [in bottom left hand margin]</p>

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