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Had a small party last night. Two rum jars of beer from the canteen two or three miles back. And very nice too!
Hooray! Two letters from home. Sept. 28th and October 1st. And all you people well, thank God! It's a good day, and getting letters makes it better.
Got the 'oil' that our guns are to put up a stunt tomorrow some time. Having a go at his 'Minnie Positions'. Claude Farmer told me, & he should know.
Well: the stunt didn't come off, for some reason. On the other hand the gentle Hun put over a very big shell or two quite close to us, at Lunch Time. That's unusual for him. I hope its not going to be a habit.
Our crowd go in again tonight Late. More and more guns are being put in on the ridge. They are arriving every night, but few of them ever fire a shot.