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Sunday 9.12.17
Rain Today – nothing to relate, thank goodness. He shelled Last night for a bit & then stopped as suddenly as he started; but he got 2 nice big ones almost right in our home. By one of the many miracles you see here: both were 'Duds'.
I haven't a thing to read tonight, which is rotten.

Monday 10.12.17
Had a new job last night. Took a Load into Messines Village. The Battery have an O.P. there too. He's always shelling the ruins their of course; but our luck was in, and we got finished just before the band began to play in ernest.
Had another small party, as some beer came up from behind. It makes a break to all get together & yarn sometimes.
His shelling was heavy afterwards. The heaviest we've had. It says much for our beer, that I went to sleep quite cheerfully while it was on!

Very cold again, but a quiet day. He's shelling a bit over on our right now, as I am writing these notes. I'm off to bed before he changes his mind.

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