William Keith Gillies diary, 22 March 1916-30 September 1917 - Page 22

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June 1916
After having a most interesting & enjoyable time we proceeded to Waterloo station & returned to camp arriving there about 1 AM.
20th We left Salisbury Plains at 12.30 P.M. to day after an enjoyable although short stay & arrived at Christchurch, a few miles from the seaside resort of Bournemouth & about N.W. of the Isle of Wight. This place is the Royal Engrs Training Depot & we are to stay here, together with the N.Z. Engrs. for some time
There are only about 400 of us & about 100 N.Zealanders here, all other details having remained at Salisbury. A tributory of the Avon flows through the town & we have excelent opportunities for our training.

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