William Keith Gillies diary, 22 March 1916-30 September 1917 - Page 217

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July 1917
(30th continued) We passed through Pouchevillers where the 8th Brigade were entraining, and at Candos we passed the 14th Brigade. who We changed over to the French authorities there & after waiting about half an hour, proceeded on our way.
31st Early this morning we passed through Bethune & Lillers & arrived at Steenbecque at about 4.30 A.M. where we detrained & had some breakfast. The transport was unloaded & we left Steenbecque station at about 5.30 AM & passing through Morbecque arrived at our billet, a farm house, about ½ a mile from Sercus after a 3 ½ mile march & settled down in a barn.

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